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California Mobility Center Hires Orville Thomas as New CEO, Paving the Way for Clean Energy and Transportation Innovation in Greater Sacramento

ग्रेटर sacramento



SACRAMENTO (Calif.), The California Mobility Center (CMC), 这是一个非营利性的公私合作伙伴关系,旨在为大萨克拉门托地区带来一个零排放创新中心, today announced Orville Thomas has been named as Chief Executive Officer. Jonathan Bowman, 在过去的几个月里,除了担任萨克拉门托州立大学的副校长和首席财务官之外,他还担任临时首席执行官,他将回到萨克拉门托州立大学担任全职工作吗. Mr. Thomas will begin his role as CEO in early November.    

“This is a significant step forward as we look to advance the California Mobility Center,” CMC Board President Arlen Orchard said. “奥维尔在零排放汽车和清洁技术方面拥有专业知识和行业知识. We are looking forward to his leadership.” 

Paul Lau, सीईओ और General Manager of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), commented on the alignment of Mr. Thomas’s vision with SMUD’s commitment to clean energy, stating, “我们相信奥维尔是带领十大网投官方入口移动中心走向更光明、更可持续未来的合适领导者.” 

在加入CMC之前,奥维尔在清洁交通技术和政府关系方面拥有超过十年的经验, most recently serving as State Policy Director for CALSTART, 国际公认的零排放政策和清洁交通技术加速的领导者. Prior to that, 他曾担任Lion Electric的政府事务总监,也曾在十大网投官方入口移民政策中心工作, the California Alliance for Jobs and the administration of previous California Governor, Jerry Brown. 

“自从他们宣布这个项目以来,领导十大网投官方入口移动中心一直是我的梦想,” said Orville Thomas, incoming President & CEO of the CMC. “这项努力可能是我们在大萨克拉门托为未来的清洁交通和能源公司建立家园的最后也是最好的机会, 我们可以以一种为本地区带来高薪工作和伟大创新的方式来实现这一目标.” 

Mr. 托马斯最近在十大网投官方入口的成就包括领导一项立法工作,为零排放汽车和十大网投官方入口空气资源委员会(CARB)和十大网投官方入口能源委员会(CEC)的激励计划重新授权超过10亿美元的资金。. At the federal level, 他致力于帮助通过《官方十大网投网址》和《官方十大网投网址》, which has provided record funding for zero-emission and clean energy projects.   

奥维尔·托马斯(Orville Thomas)担任CMC首席执行官的宣布继续为该项目建立动力. Recently, 大萨克拉门托经济委员会(GSEC)与国会女议员多丽丝·松井(Doris Matsui)合作,向官方十大网投网址局(EDA)提交了一份技术中心申请,该申请拥有特斯拉等领先的零排放行业合作伙伴, Rivian, Bosch, Siemens, Lion Electric, and Volektra sign on in support of the project. The announcement of Tech Hub designations will be made later this fall.  

“奥维尔·托马斯是一位变革型的领导者,我很高兴看到他被任命为十大网投官方入口移动中心的首席执行官,” said Nate Baguio, Senior Vice President of Commercial Development at Lion Electric. “我有幸在国家事务上与他直接合作,这些问题使交通和制造业政策发生了历史性的变化.”

十大网投官方入口移动中心计划斥资5亿美元在萨克拉门托州立大学校园内建立一个零排放创新中心,以支持清洁能源和交通技术. 这项努力还旨在帮助萨克拉门托州立大学建立一座新的工程大楼,以发展和现代化该校著名的工程项目.  

“这个项目完全符合我校为学生的未来做好准备的使命,” Sacramento State President Luke Wood said. “它将扩大我们在工程领域的社区影响力,推动萨克拉门托州立大学进入技术创新的新时代. 我们期待着与奥维尔在他新的领导角色上合作,提升我们的校园.”

GSEC believes Thomas is the perfect candidate for the job. Barry Broome, राष्ट्रपति and CEO of the Greater Sacramento Economic Council, expressed his confidence in Mr. Thomas. 

“奥维尔·托马斯是一位雄心勃勃的领导者,他一直致力于在大萨克拉门托推进清洁能源技术,” Broome said. “He cares deeply about this community and will be laser focused on helping uplift our regional economy. His leadership 是十大网投官方入口流动中心和整个大萨克拉门托地区向前迈出的重要一步吗.”

ग्रेटर Sacramento आर्थिक परिषद के बारे में
大萨克拉门托经济委员会是十大网投官方入口首都地区创新增长战略的催化剂. The organization spearheads community-led direction to retain, attract, grow and scale tradable sectors, develop advanced industries and create jobs and investment throughout a six-county region. 大萨克拉门托代表了地方和州政府、市场领导者、 influencers and stakeholders, with the sole mission of driving inclusive economic growth. The Greater Sacramento region was founded on discovery, built on leadership and fueled by innovation. 

About the California Mobility Center (CMC)
The CMC is an independent not-for-profit organization that helps discover, develop, and accelerate the use of new mobility innovations by providing access to programs, resources, and an on-site innovation hub. The CMC is strategically headquartered in Sacramento, CA near the California government, 领导美国和世界制定有关清洁交通和技术的政策.  Founders include industry thought leaders: Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), California State University, Sacramento, Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC), EnerTech Capital, and PEM Motion.  For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. 

Michelle Willard
अधिक से अधिक Sacramento आर्थिक परिषद

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