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TurtleTree Launches New R&D Facility in Greater Sacramento

ग्रेटर sacramento

Michelle Willard
Chief Public Affairs Officer
(916) 287-9072



WEST SACRAMENTO, CA, (October 1, 2021) — TurtleTree has officially opened its new R&D facility in California’s state capital. Located in West Sacramento, this 24,2000平方英尺的建筑将容纳一个世界级的研究中心,展示该公司广泛的创新和基于细胞的技术.

这是海龟树在美国扩张计划的一个里程碑, 该研究设施将促进精密发酵技术的发展,目前用于生产有价值的牛奶成分,如乳铁蛋白. 这标志着向面向消费者的牛奶和奶制品生产迈出了重要的一步, 再次肯定了海龟树在可持续营养领域的领先地位.

In addition to improving these capabilities, 这一开创性设施的建立也将进一步推动乌龟树的使命,即超越创造可持续食品的范畴,提升世界. To adequately staff the facility, 该公司将在萨克拉门托及其周边地区创造约40个新的技术相关工作岗位. 这些课程将涵盖从食品科学到工程的各个领域, 为经验丰富的专业人士和应届毕业生提供新的机会.

Referencing this positive impact, TurtleTree’s CEO and co-founder, Fengru Lin, stated: “Establishing this R&大萨克拉门托的D工厂标志着我们将独特的产品从开发推向市场的第一步,我们非常高兴这将有助于在当地社区释放新的机会. 我们热切期待与该领域的杰出人才合作,共同打造未来几十年我们都能享受的下一代营养产品.”

Echoing similar sentiments, 西萨克拉门托的多位代表也对新设施表示了支持. 大萨克拉门托经济委员会主席兼首席执行官, Barry Broome, 声明:“我们要祝贺乌龟树找到了他们的R&D and manufacturing facility in West Sacramento. 这一举动标志着市场对为什么大萨克拉门托是世界一流生物技术的认可, specifically alternative proteins research.”

“西萨克拉门托很荣幸被海龟树选为他们备受期待的研究设施的所在地. 这座城市期待着帮助乌龟树的领导层实现他们的目标, with respect to the facility, through an accelerated occupancy permit process,” announced West Sacramento mayor, Martha Guerrero. 她补充说:“海龟树正在为可持续发展做出重大贡献, 全球食品供应,同时也创造机会,通过我们的学生实习计划,为后代继续这项重要的科学工作做好准备, which will be of great benefit to the city’s youth.”

Moving forward, TurtleTree仍然致力于在北十大网投官方入口发展食品和农业生态系统. Aside from functioning as a research hub, the R&D设施也将作为TurtleTree与教育机构联系和合作的一个整体接触点, research-focused partners, strategic partners, future customers, and investors.

TurtleTree got its start in the region at the Lab@AgStart, a shared wet lab, food lab and co-working space in Woodland.

About TurtleTree 

TurtleTree是一家生物技术公司,利用细胞技术生产可持续食品和乳制品. In spite of this, 我们真诚地相信,我们所做的超越了餐桌,进入人类的心灵. At our core, 我们寻求通过提供对地球更好的新一代营养来提升世界, better for the animals, and better for people everywhere.
To learn more, please visit TurtleTree’s website.

About the Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC)

大萨克拉门托经济委员会是十大网投官方入口首都地区创新增长战略的催化剂. 该组织带头以社区为导向进行挽留, attract, grow, and scale tradable sectors, develop advanced industries, 并在六县地区创造就业机会和投资. 大萨克拉门托代表了地方政府和州政府之间的合作, market leaders, influencers, and stakeholders, with the sole mission of driving inclusive economic growth. The Greater Sacramento region was founded on discovery, built on leadership, and fueled by innovation.
To learn more, please visit GSEC’s website.

About the City of West Sacramento 

West Sacramento is located minutes from the state capital, midway between San Francisco and Lake Tahoe, in the heart of California’s Great Central Valley. West Sacramento has abundant land, high-quality water, 和附近的农业生产,结合市场准入和邻近世界著名的食品和农业研究的美国.C. Davis. Over 60 companies in food and ag-tech research, production, 和分销建立了西萨克拉门托的全球食品工业中心, including Origin Materials, TOMRA Sorting Solutions, NuSeed Americas, Nor-Cal Beverage, Bayer Crop Science, and Nippon Shokken U.S.A.
To learn more, please visit the City of West Sacramento’s website.

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